Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Kindest Gift

See Others Thru your Eyes – Yes Do This
A.K.A The Kindest Gift

See people the way you want to see them. This is the easiest way to peace. Since we create everything in our lives and projection is what we use to run the movie, let’s make the movie. Let’s be the script writer, the producer and cast the characters to our liking. Sounds simple enough right? Well it is. When we see others as we would like to see them and it is with the highest intent, we have the opportunity to not only gain personal peace but to empower and uplift that individual or individuals as well. This is especially powerful in the case of spousal relations. When we first meet we tend to see the greatest gifts in each other and often as time goes on we start to focus on the things that irritate us or the very things we thought were “cute” in the beginning. There is a lot of power in two or more people being gathered together with like minded thoughts; so with that said, it is very important that both you and your partner only hold thoughts of the highest intent, especially for each other. This is also very important for modelling love and empowerment when children are involved.
The shortcut to utilizing this formula is to focus on the very thing or emotions that trigger a reaction in you Ex. “My husband does not listen to me”. Take that example and first and foremost find examples or ways where he has listened to you. It does not have to be today, even in the past is fine. Get into the feeling of being listened to and know that it is indeed possible. Now you can “see and believe” that your husband listens to you and the next step in activating the movie is to express to your husband how you appreciate the fact that he has a wonderful way of listening to you. He and you will both now have a sense of his capacity to listen to you or whatever the particular script you want to run is. This is very simple and it need not be complicated. We just need to see and embrace the qualities in others and help hold the light so they can remember who they are. When someone is told that “they never listen to you” for example, the script is set. Even if they believe they listen, the discord and disharmony that is experienced is a negative and a disempowering movie, not the movie we want to see. The movie where there are two people living in full empowerment, complete with support and encouragement. This is the beautiful gift in of a relationship. It is the ongoing support and the gift of having a partner. The two individuals can help each other to both see their inner gifts and beauty. A partner means partnering, uplifting, honouring and supporting each other in love and integrity.
We often like to tease each other or throw digs in relationships but when one partner is perhaps feeling inadequacy or self doubt, this only adds to the feelings of inadequacy or low self worth. It is a similar frequency and resonates with the lower frequency or vibration of doubt. This can be an avenue to further allow the disempowering situation or feelings of doubt, failure or lowered self love and worth.
The kindest thing and the greatest gift we can do for others and ourselves is to truly practise seeing others in the highest projection possible so that they can be the greatest version of themselves and that they are supported upon the wings of eternal, unconditional love.

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