Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life is Like a Garden

Life is like a garden. There for the picking, the planting and the enjoyment of the harvest. Life is like an abundant garden full of delectable choices. Choices that can change from year to year, or even day to day. What we sow so shall we reap.
In life, as in a garden, you can plant whatever seeds you so choose to plant. You may desire a garden vibrant in a variety of colours such as red peppers, yellow squash, green peas and surrounded by a vast assortment of fragrant and colourful flowers. Or you may prefer a subtle and more simple garden with a little lettuce and a few onions.
Like life you can plant the seeds that are indicators of your desires and intent. First we have a thought (choose the seed), then we plant (intent) and then we water & weed (take action) and voila we harvest (manifest our desires). As in life we know that the more nurturing and loving we are within our gardens, the sweeter the rewards, the pickings. Such is life, the more we give to others, the more we get back.
In our gardens we serve our plants, the very source that nourishes us and feeds us so we can continue on our journey that completes the circle of servitude. We serve the plants, they serve us, we serve others and they serve us. A beautiful circle of support and sustainment that is the very core of the universe.
How are you designing your garden? Are you intending with love? Are you planting the seeds of your choosing? Are you understanding that it is all there for you to plant pick, to sow and reap? Everything you could possibly want or desire is there for the picking, you need only ask and it is given. Remember the process thought, intent, action, reap or result or manifest, whatever name you choose to give it (you pick ). The process of sowing and reaping always works. I encourage you to design you life’s garden with bountiful and abundant choices that serve the highest good of everyone and to nurture that garden with love and water it with joy. Celebrate the choices that you make and know that like a garden, life’s energy is ever changing, ever evolving and recreating itself into whatever form it takes on next. The garden of yesterday’s plants become the new fertile earth to sustain the new plants of your choosing and the cycle of creation continues on it it’s beautiful ever evolving and eternal way .

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