Friday, August 20, 2010


After watching the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”, I was once again reminded about how driven we are here in the Western World. When we observe other countries and cultures, it is beautiful to see how they can embrace “just being” much more naturally than we seem to do. We seem to be so driven. Driven for what? To be, do, have? To get to someplace where we can just be? It seems we are so driven we forget to get off at the bus stop called “Just Being”. We get on a bus called “Driven” and hope to end up at “Just Being” but somehow we miss the stop. Perhaps other cultures make the bus stop the priority and not the bus. Hmm, food for thought.... and on that note, I was once again reminded of the simple pleasures of food. The simple pleasures of sharing food and enjoying both the food and the interaction; nourishing both the body and soul. Could it really be this simple? Could we really just find peace in being? In being alone, together, just being? I say yes. It’s time to put the bus stop first and not the bus. 

1 comment:

  1. That book and movie both wrapped itself around my mind. I went back and saw it a second time last week.
    The second time around, I could not stop thinking of the nic-name "Groceries" that she is given by one of the guys in India. It stuck with me all that night and had me thinking about the power we give others just by the name we attach to them.
